GoMedia Documentation

GoMedia is a fresh magazine theme with a modern, elegant design and fully responsive. Therefore GoMedia is perfect for online magazines websites, news websites, personal blogs or community blogs.

Latest Version: 1.0.3
Released: June 23, 2014
Last Updated: Aug 26, 2014
Requires: WordPress 3.6+
License: GPL v2
Support: Forum Support
Changelog: changelog.txt
Developer: Theme Junkie
Twitter: @theme_junkie
Facebook: @themejunkies

Table Of Content

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Recommended Plugins
  4. Custom Background
  5. Custom Menu
  6. Custom Widgets
  7. Logo Uploader
  8. Favicon Uploader
  9. Featured Posts
  10. Latest Videos
  11. Child Theme


Some of GoMedia cool features!




Through Dashboard

  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel and go to Appearance » Themes
  2. Click the Add New button at the top.
  3. Click the Upload Theme button at the top.
  4. Click the Choose File button and navigate to the location of the theme zip file.
  5. Click Install Now to begin the installation.
  6. Wait for the success message, then click Activate.

Installing Via FTP

  1. Unzip the theme zip file.
  2. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/themes/ and place the theme folder inside it.
  3. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to Appearance » Themes
  4. Locate the theme thumbnail and click the Activate link.

Recommended Plugins


When the first time you activated the theme, you will see the notice about recommended plugins for it like the picture above. If you feel the plugins is not needed, then you can click the Dismiss this notice to hide the notice.

If someday you need to install those plugins, you can go to Appearance » Install Plugins. Choose which plugin you want to install. Please note, the plugins is Recommended not required.


Custom Background

Custom Background

GoMedia has feature to change the default background using the native WordPress custom background function. To use it, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Appearance » Background.
  2. You can either set the image or color as background.
  3. Click the Save Changes button when you finish.

Custom Menu

Custom Menu

GoMedia supports the custom menu function to allow you to setup your menus. You can set it through following steps.

  1. Go to Appearance » Menus.
  2. To create a new custom menu, click the create a new menu link, give the menu a name, and click Save Menu button.
  3. You can add pages, categories or custom link's to the menu.
  4. And, be sure to select Primary Menu, Secondary Menu or Footer Menu for the Theme Location before saving your menu.
  5. When you are done, click Save Menu

Please go to Codex Help for more detailed instruction.


Custom Widgets

Custom Widgets

GoMedia comes with 6 cool custom widgets to give you more flexibility to customize your site.

  1. Advertisement - Easily to show your ad, adsense, amazon, etc.
  2. Feedburner - Allow your reader to subscribe your posts through feedburner service.
  3. Recent Posts Thumbnail - Display your latest posts along with thumbnail.
  4. Social Icons - Display your social media profile link.
  5. Tabs - Display latest posts, latest comments and tags in a tabbed.
  6. Video - Easily to display your video from some popular video website such as youtube, video, etc.

Upload Your Custom Favicon

There are 2 ways to upload custom favicon to your site.

1. Theme Settings

Custom Logo
  1. Go to Appearance » Theme Settings.
  2. Open the General tab.
  3. Look at Favicon Uploader section.
  4. Click the Upload button, then pick the favicon from your hardisk.

2. Customizer

Custom Logo
  1. Go to Appearance » Customize.
  2. Open the Favicon section.
  3. Click the drop-down button below the Favicon Uploader word.
  4. Click the select a file link.
  5. Pick the favicon and upload it.

Latest Videos

Latest Videos

Latest videos is the most latest posts with video format selected. You can set it through following steps.

  1. Go to Appearance » Theme Settings.
  2. Open the Home Page tab.
  3. Check the Enable the latest video area.
  4. Then, when you create or edit a post please select the video format.

Child theme

Since GoMedia is a parent theme, you'll want to create a child theme if you plan on making any customizations. Don't know how to make a child theme? It's relatively simple. Just follow the below steps.

 * Theme Name: GoMedia Child
 * Theme URI: http://link-to-your-site.com
 * Description: Describe what your theme should be like.
 * Version: 0.1
 * Author: Your Name
 * Author URI: http://link-to-your-site.com
 * Tags: Add, Whatever, Tags, You, Want
 * Template: gomedia

/* Importing the parent theme stylesheet. */
@import url( '../gomedia/style.css' );

From that point, you simply need to start adding your own styles. The parent theme styles will automatically be loaded for you.

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